There are an estimated 70 million feral and stray cats in the United States.
These cats are most often the result of a pet owner’s abandonment or their failure to spay or neuter their cats.
The Feral Cat Program is focused on helping to control the feral cat population through aggressive spay and neuter. We believe that Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is the most humane and effective method available to control the feral cat population.
• All feral cats should come to the clinic in a secure, live-release trap. This is for the well-being of the cats and the safety of our staff.
The traps must have the trapper's last name on it.
If they are tame enough to be put in a carrier or are free-roaming cats or can be handled or touched, it does not qualify for the feral spay/neuter program.
If you wish to have the procedure done anyway, you will be responsible for the regular fees charged by The Pet Care Clinic.
For information on borrowing traps or learning how to trap properly, please give us a call.
• The clinic will accept feral cats for surgery on Tuesdays only.
Cats should be dropped off between 8-8:30am and picked up when they are awake and ready to leave. If you cannot make these drop-off and pick-up times, please call the clinic for more information.
Any cats not picked up within the hour that we call for pickup will be charged a $75.00 boarding fee.
• All cats brought to the clinic through the Feral Cat Program will receive an ear tip (the surgical removal of approximately one centimeter of the left ear tip, which identifies it as a spayed/neutered cat). Individuals declining the ear tip will be assessed our normal rate for surgery.
• Feral cats will not receive a physical exam to determine fitness for anesthesia prior to surgery. Feral cats exhibiting signs of severe illness may be declined.
• No food after 7am the day of surgery. If there is a food bowl/tin in the trap with the cat, please turn it over.
Please contact the clinic if you have any questions about these policies.
The Feral Cat Program fee is $50.00.
This includes the surgery, a Rabies vaccination, an antibiotic injection and ear notching.
The following optional services are available and are the responsibility of the presenter:
Distemper vaccination (FVRCP) $18.00
Pregnancy charge $20.00
FELV/FIV Test $32.00
Please note: No physical exams or medical treatments are provided.